J.D. Cycle Tech
Bicycle Frame
Build • Repair • Custom
"I moved to Japan in
2016 to follow my
passion for cycling"
My name is Dion James; born in
Long Beach, California and raised
in Phoenix, Arizona. My love for
cycling began in college when I
commuted to school by bike. I always
had an interest to live in Japan because
I grew up all my life in the US. That's
when I made a decision and I moved to
Japan in 2016 to follow my passion for cycling.
I met a guy who owned a Kalavinka
track frame. It was the most beautiful frame
I had ever seen. I wanted (had) to meet the
man who built this frame. This was when I was
introduced to frame building. I was hired
with no experience, but I had dedication and
a great work ethic. I started my apprenticeship
at Tsukumo Cycle Sports home of "Kalavinka" in
November of 2017. This is where I learned about
bicycle aesthetics and frame building.
I plan to use what I learned about frame
building here in Japan and mix it with American
design and manufacturing. Turning the ideas of
Henry Ford and putting it in a melting pot with
the design and cultural aspects of "wabi-sabi."